2020-02-23: Our paper Learning multiview 3D point cloud registration is accepted to CVPR 2020. See you all in Seatle.

2020-01-18: A new preprint submission in the title of Learning multiview 3D point cloud registration (coauthored with Zan Gojcic, Jan Dirk Wegner, Leonidas J. Guibas and Tolga Birdal) has been released.

2020-01-16: I will join Riemann Lab (2012 Lab) at Huawei Technology Inc.

2020-01-10: My personal webpage is published online.

2019-11-01: I start my postdoc position in the GSEG group led by Prof. Dr. Andreas Wieser.

2019-10-14: I have received Dr. Sc. title from ETH Zurich (Dissertation: Mitigating Variability Issues for Feature-based indoor positioning).

2019-02-02: Our paper The Perfect Match: 3D Point Cloud Matching with Smoothed Densities is accepted to CVPR 2019. See you all in Long Beach.